’16 Dec|Innovation
What makes us interested in new things? Is it that the knowledge we already have lets us become bored with the things we have had
and used for a time? Is it the challenge of a new experience?
It is different for everyone – we may sometimes see a man on the street using a very old mobile phone and think, “How is it even possible to still use such an old thing?” When I asked such a man, he told me that the battery let him use the phone for almost a week. That he plays games at home after work and doesn’t need them on his phone and using the phone for phone calls is enough for him.
Stunning, but in this way we are all different and this is what makes the world go round.
All the best,
Ayako chan, we all hope that you are well soon!
Best wishes from me and the team.

何が私たちに新しい物事へ興味をもたせるのだろう。すでに 持っている知識が現状を退屈にさせるからだろうか?それ
それは人によって様々。道で古い型の携帯電話を使って いる人を見て、「いまだにあんなものを使っているなんて」 と思うかもしれない。話を聞いてみると、その携帯電話の バッテリーは一週間ももつそうだ。ゲームなどは家でする ため、電話の機能さえあれば彼には十分なのだ。びっくり する話だが「十人十色」だから世の中がうまくいくのだろう。
PS. あやこちゃん。早く元気になってくださいね。 ご快復を心からお祈り申し上げます。